How to: DSC Perfusion
In this course, you will explore how to simplify DSC Perfusion analysis in a more quantitative and automated way.
Advanced processing on
DSC maps
Got a busy routine?
Short videotutorials
Quantified Results
ROI stats & analytics
Our motto
Advanced neuroimaging made simple
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion (DSC Perfusion) analysis provides information about the blood vessel structure and characteristics as a response of the brain to the injection of a specific contrast agent.
DSC Perfusion, while very useful in clinical and research practice, has some issues that users have to tackle. The lack of quantification and the complex pipelines including manual Arterial Input Function (AIF) segmentation are major drawbacks for a wider and more friendly use of this advanced neuroimaging technique. In these tutorials, a newly introduced way of analyzing DSC perfusion faster and more automatically will be presented.
Explore a new-era DSC Perfusion with automated processing and quantified results!